Friday 15 September 2017


ACHG300 - Assignment 1 Part 4

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Wesley Hancock

Friday 24 February 2017

Assignment 1 part 1

Assignment 1 Part 1
Wesley Hancock

Figure 1


A canvas is a piece of material, woven in either cotton, hemp or linen (A History of Canvas, 2017). How this item relates to graphic design is why I have selected it. Over the evolution of art and man, canvases have come in various forms and mediums.

One of the earliest examples at the beginning of design and human usage of a canvas was rock art. Images that were carved into the rock were referred to as Petroglyphs (what is rock art, 2017). Images that were created with paint or pigment were referred to as Pictographs (what is rock art, 2017). This ancient form of expression and utilization of a canvas was the dawn of art and design, thus playing an important role from ancient to modern canvases and design. The usage of a canvas has allowed humans to express themselves artistically, spread information and help society in various ways. Looking at modern canvases such as signs and advertising boards, we can see how the evolved forms or design and canvas help humanity in ways such as navigation, advertising and job opportunities. Info-graphics are a good example of how design and canvas can help people in less wealthy countries to have access to information in an easy and understandable manner. An info-graphic is a representation of information in a graphic form (Margaret, 2017).

Therefore I have chosen to discuss this topic as it symbolizes man-made and artistic achievements and will continue to do so for the years to come.

Bibliography 2017. What is infographics? – Definition from . {ONLINE} Available at : {Accessed 23 February 2017}.
A History of Canvas. 2017. A History of Canvas. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 21 February 2017].
Rock art as an expression of hunter-gatherer society and world-view | South African History Online. 2017. Rock art as an expression of hunter-gatherer society and world-view | South African History Online. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 21 February 2017].
What is rock art?. 2017. What is rock art?. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 21 February 2017].
Jon Milet Baker. 2017. Notes on How Art Made the World – More Human Than Human 1/5 | Jon Milet Baker. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 21 February 2017].
Bright Hub. 2017. The Influence of Technology on Graphic Design. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 21 February 2017].

Image reference

Figure 1 - Canvas - Free images on Pixabay. 2017. Canvas - Free images on Pixabay. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 24 February 2017].

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Atomic bomb

Wesley Hancock


History – World War 2 Atomic Bomb

At about 8:15am, 60 000 Japanese people died after a US B29 bomber dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, on the 6th August 1945. Three days later, another atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, killing at least 40 000. US president at the time Harry Truman, ordered the dropping of the bombs, which left roughly 100 000 individuals to die slow deaths due to radiation poisoning in the aftermath.

Sunao Tsuboi, “that’s me,” he says. “We were hoping to find some sort of medical help but there was no treatment available, and no food or water. I thought I had reached the end.” (
Scars from the burns remain on his face to this day.
Hiromi Hasai, 84


He was 20 years old and in the process of learning to make machine gun bullets when he noticed a flash of light in the morning sky, the flash from the bomb that leveled their city. Hundreds of his classmates were killed in the bombing.

Kazuhiko Futagawa, 69
Kazuhiko was exposed to the bomb while still inside his mother’s womb. He stands here in front of a shirt from sister he never knew. On August 6th 1945, his father and sister worked at city hall, which was well within the blast radius leads experts to believe that his father and sister were both incinerated instantly.

This was a poster that aimed to convince people that nuclear weapons are not a suitable solution to our problems. The poster shows a peace sign tearing a nuclear weapon apart, to demonstrate that the aim was to rid the world of nuclear weapons and replace it with peace. The poster also uses red text to emphasis that nuclear weapons are not wanted.

This poster shows the planet morphed with a skull to signify that the planet would be dead if nuclear weapons continue to reign carnage. It uses the continents in the place of the eye sockets to add emphasis and make it more relatable that our earth with be dead.

Monday 16 May 2016

Wesley Hancock
Children’s Literature and illustrations

Carlo Lorenzini, better known as Carlo Collodi
This is an illustrative book cover for Pinocchio which was created in 1883. It is a children’s novel that follows a wooden childlike figure seeking to become a real boy. Pinocchio was created by his father Gepetto who was a wood carver.  The illustrator’s graphic style is a black and white woodcut carving that has the main character posing. The nose on the character adds emphasis to the storyline in which Pinocchio’s nose grows when lying. The clothing that Pinocchio is wearing, carriers a western European influence from the 1800s in which they wore frilled neck collars.  The Pinocchio resembles more of a teenage boy instead of a young boy. This work appeals to me in that it has the resemblance from the 1800s. Also it contains background illustrations which are out of the ordinary, such as the snake and fish appearing on land, as well as the girl stuck in the clouds.

This is a poster created in the 1900s.
The graphic style contains coloured in characters, centered with the attention towards Pinocchio. Still having a heavy western influence, shown in the clothing allocated to the characters. The one character wearing a black hat and blue feather, demonstrates the old queens guards style, as they were required to wear red with fancy hats and no movement at all. The dresses also match the timeframe in that the woman wore thick dresses with thin waistlines. The illustration appeals to me in that the illustrator positioned the characters in the middle, on stage to grasp the focus of the viewer. Also the colours go with each other, creating an easy look on the eyes.

An Illustrative book cover done in the 2000s.
This book cover shows a more modernized Pinocchio with an American influenced clothing choice. The American influence came about when Walt Disney studios created the illustrations. This cover appeals to me in that Pinocchio relates more towards a child who wants to become a boy, whereas the 1800s illustrations resembles more of an older Pinocchio, probably in his teens. The blue lighting goes well with the red text. It also appeals to me in that it looks as if Pinocchio is smiling at the viewer, which gives the viewer a warmer welcoming when gazing upon it. I find an American influence on the pants of Pinocchio in that stars are represented on the pants

Tuesday 10 May 2016


Wesley Hancock
Khiraan Bhika
Assignment 1 C
Speed in Transport and communication

Historical Examples(Khiraan Bhika)

Contemporary Examples(Wesley Hancock)

Communication(Wesley Hancock)

Over the years, many path-breaking inventions and discoveries have allowed us to continually keep evolving and creating new ways in which communication is possible. Communication is looked at as the sending and receiving of a message from one individual to another.
Our early ancestors developed our first written communication in the form of pictographs.
After utilizing and inventing papyrus, paper and eventually the printing press, we were able to transfer documents over large distance in order to spread knowledge and communicate i.e. Letters.
In modern times we utilize electronic technology to transmit waves and signals over large distances. We use devices such as smartphones which can send and receive phone calls, as well as multiple applications that create instant talk, i.e. Whatsapp and Facebook. We also utilize the internet to upload and download information. The modern era has changed in order for us to communicate and access information instantaneously.

Transportation(Wesley Hancock)

Transportation involves the relocation of objects by an energetic means or mechanism.
Early Nomadic people used to move from living area to living area once the resources were depleted. People used to migrate on foot and hunt by old fashioned running.
With the development of settlements that are ever growing, people needed a more efficient means of transport. With the invention of the automobile, people were now able to travel long distances without burning natural energy consumed by walking. The automobile is credited with sustaining and initiating everyday transport, increased sexual promiscuity and a sense of morality.
Expanding railways have introduced the integration of nations, by trading goods and services and allowing people to be introduced to new customs and cultures.
With ships becoming bigger and more powerful, we have been able to run them larger distances and to transport greater quantities of goods. Ships are durable but not time effective as a large vessel requires a lot of force in order to move.
The invention of flight has allowed us to travel even greater distances than the train in minimal time due to an aircraft not being restricted to the ground. Airplanes have allowed international trade in certain items that cannot be shipped.

A domestic invention has been developed where we can utilize a board called a hover board, which allows individuals to roll on wheels where they can walk. This technology after a few more years should allow us humans to never need to walk again.

Cars and Cell phones in our contemporary world and how the play a role(Khiraan Bhika)

Cars and cell phones have taken people’s lives to another level. It has increased over the years due to advancement in technology and generations that use these two items as a sense of living and making their lives better.
Cars in general have given people the need for people to fit a profile that individuals think they need in life. This is the status quo acting up and creeping into individuals lives. All because of appearance and to make a statement that they think is important for them. People take cars and turn them into their own projects by modifying them, adding rims, lights, new spoilers and the list continues. This is a sign of wanting to become noticed and known by other individuals, only because you want to look the best and feel important which increases levels of an individual’s ego.
There are two ways in which cars play a role of a luxury in life, the first case is people who cannot afford cars and who therefore see the car as a luxury of life that they cannot have. The second case is people who have more than just one car which is expensive and for whom, therefore the car being a status symbol for them.
Cell phones on the other hand have increased rapidly over the years. It has gone from only one in a hundred having a phone to basically everyone having a cell phone in this day and age. In our contemporary times which are today, having a cell phone or any type of cellular phone is a need only because present generations have made this item so important in our daily lives that people will find it hard not to live without them for a week or a day. Cell phones have become more a necessity more than a luxury, by just a touch of a button an individual can do many actions which aim to make life much easier and less complicated all because of technological growth.
Cell phones will only get better and better from today and individuals will only want the best and the latest only because they feel they will be outdated if they don’t not keep up with the times and change. Modern society will always depend on technology; all because it is forced in a way which an individual cannot refuse because unfortunately it is the way the world is turning out to be like. 

Saturday 16 April 2016


Wesley Hancock
Exercise 3b
Photography and new media


 Photography in the 1850s was not a common thing and took a while for the camera to capture the image. People didn’t smile in photos due to the amount of time spent waiting for the photo to be taken. Also due to the size of the photographic machine, it was not mobile and practical. Also the photos were taken and printed in black and white.Photography today is more practical as we can take the camera to extreme environments, such as underwater or to space made possible by for example the Gopro. Photography has become more mobile, as well as improved quality; the camera has also evolved to have pan shots which can fit a room in one picture. Most cameras now days are digital.


Portraits in the 1850s mostly showed people looking classy with plain backgrounds and simplicity being the end result. Portraits in the 1850s were more common to have done whereas today people generally take selfies. Portraits taken nowadays include some sort of background image to strengthen the main element. As in the picture of the women, different angles are used than the common 1850s look with the picture of the man. Modern portraits also include positioning of props whereas the olden days had simple backgrounds with the focus being only on the person.


In the 1850s documentary’s mostly contained images of wars with very little typographic effort. No one had television sets so there was no film, documentaries were mostly hand written and recorded using pen and paper.Documentaries can be viewed on the web or televisions today. They contain both typographic and visual contrast. Documentaries today also have a broader span from animals to corrupt officials as the market is greater. More information can be introduced due to visual and audio stimulation whereas only imagination and reading material was used in the 1850s. Typographic input advertises documentaries as well as media outlets can be used and so forth vs word of mouth and street posters for advertising 1850s documentary's.


Art in the 1850s focuses a lot on religious views and fears. Artists used fictional creatures to capture fear in their viewers. Art involved different styles which reflect on how the art came out, for example cubists would use cubes and realism would use a more photographic approach.Art today has a much broader variety but is mostly dominated by the digital world. Art can now be digitally painted or created using various programs, whereas long ago everything was hand made. I would say that very soon mostly all art will be done digitally over  the traditional hand method.


Science in the 1850s helped develop the telegraph which could only transmit messages. Similar to the can and string communication made by children, this technology is very basic with a single serving purpose.Science today has now developed cellphones with applications that have limitless capabilities. Including social media, cameras, Bluetooth and many more features. Science today also helps cure us when ill whereas the medicine in the 1850s was almost 
non-existent. Science will never stop developing and has come a far way since the telegraph.

Sport in the 1850s was the beginning of woman moving into equality with men. Football was one of the major sports to be played in Europe. This photo shows woman finally playing football. Also sport could not have been recorded or replayed so viewing was done at live events.Sport today can be viewed from the comfort of our homes as well as different sports are available for viewing. The variety and availability has increased drastically to the point where we can freeze a live game and carry on watching where we left off. Also the amount earned has increased for sportsmen due to fans and branding opportunities, sport now helps the economy. For example the tourist industry gains attractions from sport whereas in the 1850s just travelling to a sports game was a mission.


In the 1850s the paparazzi was mostly a single person taking photographs with traditional backgrounds, whereas today many individuals fight and crowd around each other to photograph one person. The paparazzi along with the media have shaped our ideas of celebrities which shape our perceptions of who we are as individuals. People have become more materialistic in modern times because they want to fit into the norms created and publicized by the paparazzi. I would definitely say the industry has increased dramatically but the main focus being on celebrities and American culture.


Fashion in the 1850s saw a more formal side with woman sticking mainly to dresses and fancy hats. Their waists were expected to be thin and cleavage closed up. The men were presented in formal suits often with top hats and long neck watches. The fashion didn’t have much of a variety other than the basic suit and dress look we see here.Fashion today has a much broader range where anyone can wear anything and will be socially accepted. Fashion has even evolved to include accessories with other non-essential items for the consumers to spend on. Fashion has been a major part of who we are. Different ages had different styles, today there isn’t just one set style, it literally can be anything that you wear.


Chromolithography in the 1850s was created in order to print multiple colours on one document using chemicals to obtain the colour differences. This was a timely process.
Today we use printers to print high quality images within seconds. Today our results are more accurate due to no human error with chemicals. Printing has helped mass produce and distributes knowledge and advertising thanks to its efficiency.

 Offset Printing

Offset printing was developed to mass produce print. It involved a metal rolled sheet to transfer print to rubber and then paper. The machines were bulky and way slower than anything today. Offset printing help boost the information age as prints could be done in mass.Today we have Flexography which broadens the offset printing method to being able to print on various materials such as metal as well as paper and plastic. The whole purpose is to cheapen the cost of mass producing printed material.

Sunday 3 April 2016

Assignment 3a

Wesley Hancock
Assignment 3

3a)  Technology  – Knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and its relation with our lives.
Science - Study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
Reflexivity - Reflexivity is that a person's thoughts and ideas are inherently biased. In other words, the values and thoughts of a person will be represented in their work.
Technicism - the belief that technology can improve human societies.
The influence of technology is everywhere, for example I use my laptop to complete my studies as well as my cell phone to communicate. Every day I use at least three different technological devices including microwaves and stoves to complete meals. As well as for entertainment purposes, radio and TV keep that going.

Mind map